
iPhone를위한 SM KB손해보험 다이렉트 자동차보험

  • 무료

  • 사용 언어: 한국어/조선말
  • V 2.5
  • 4.5

  • 보안 상태

Softonic 리뷰

SM KB손해보험 Direct Car Insurance

SM KB손해보험 다이렉트 자동차보험 is an iPhone app that allows users to calculate their car insurance premiums with just one click. With an average price that is 18.1% cheaper than offline options, this app offers a reliable and affordable way to sign up for car insurance. Users can also explore various additional discounts offered by KB자동차보험.

By downloading the app, users can thoroughly compare and sign up for car insurance with KB손해보험 다이렉트.

The app provides several special discounts, including a mileage discount of up to 35% for annual mileage under 2000Km, an 18.1% discount for online sign-ups compared to offline options, an 8% discount for parents with children aged 1 to 6 years, a safe driving discount for those who have driven over 1000Km with a score of 70 or higher on T-map, and a no-accident discount for three consecutive years.

Before signing up for insurance, users are advised to read the product description and terms and conditions. It is important to note that canceling an existing insurance policy and signing up for a new one may result in a rejection of insurance acceptance, an increase in premiums, or changes in coverage. Additionally, policyholders or insured parties must promptly notify the company of any obligations that arise after the insurance contract is signed, as failure to do so may result in the denial of insurance claims.

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iPhone를위한 SM KB손해보험 다이렉트 자동차보험

  • 무료

  • 사용 언어: 한국어/조선말
  • V 2.5
  • 4.5

  • 보안 상태

SM KB손해보험 다이렉트 자동차보험에 대한 사용자 리뷰

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